On the 11th Strategic conference Value of Innovation we talked about the concept of value-based healthcare (VBHC). This concept aims to organize the treatment outcomes in a way that it achieves the best possible treatment for the patient according to the resources invested. VBHC brings a comprehensive change in the way patients are treated. While it improves the quality of the healthcare system for all stakeholders, the patients are significantly more involved in their own treatment and medical teams are motivated for the best possible treatment outcomes.
Jurij Stariha, MSc, President of Forum of International Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies Board
Aida Kamišalić Latifić, PhD, State Secretary at Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Digital Transformation
Izidor Mlakar, PhD, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor and Maribor University Medical Centre
Nicola Bedlington, Millwater Partners
Pieter de Bey, Managing Director at Santeon Hospital Group, Netherlands
Hans Winberg, PhLic, Secretary General, Leading Health Care Foundation, Stockholm
Anka Bolka, Director of Field for Development and Analysis at Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Assist. prof. Aleš Rozman, MD, PhD, Specialist, University Clinic Golnik
Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, PhD, Professor at Health Economist, Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana
Petra Došenović Bonča, PhD, Associate Professor at School of Economic and Business
Aida Kamišalić Latifić, PhD, State Secretary at Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Digital Transformation
Senior doctor Dorijan Marušič, PhD, advisor to the Minister of Health
Barbara Stegel, MSc, Secretary general at Forum of International Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies
Anka Bolka has many years of experience in the field of health insurance.
Aleš Rozman is a specialist with many years of experience in the field of pneumology.
Izidor Mlakar je diplomiral in doktoriral na programu Elektrotehnika na Univerzi v Mariboru v Sloveniji.
Hans Winberg holds a PhLic in public management from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Professor Gregory Katz holds the Chair of Innovation & Value in Health at Université Paris Cité Medical School. He is the academic director of the Value-Based Health Care Graduate Program.
Ph.D Petra Došenović Bonča is an associate professor and head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana.
Senior doctor Dorijan Marušič, PhD was the expert director of the Izola General Hospital, state secretary at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, advisor to the general director of the Institute for Health Insurance of Slovenia and minister of health of the Republic of Slovenia.
Barbara Stegel, MSc, has several years of experience in management and marketing. At the beginning of her career, she collaborated with major Slovenian companies, where she worked as the head of marketing departments, consultant and director of corporate communication and human resources.
State Secretary
Jurij Stariha, MSc, joined Novo Nordisk Slovenia in 2016 as MA&PA manager for Slovenian region. In 2018 he had regional responsibility as MAPA manager for Slovenia and Croatia as part of MAPA EUEast tema.
Valentina Prevolnik Rupel is a scientific adviser at the Institute for Economic Research in Ljubljana, where she works in the field of healthcare and long-term care.
Managing Director - Santeon Hospital Group, the Netherlands
Nicola Bedlington was the first Secretary General of the European Patients Forum (2006-2019) and continues to work as a special advisor with EPF.
Anka Bolka has many years of experience in the field of health insurance. As a member of the project group or as a project team leader, she has participated in the most important development projects of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. In the last twenty years, she has been involved in project for the introduction and upgrades of the health insurance card system and the establishment of electronic exchange of data on services provided between Health Care Providers and The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. In addition, she has also previous experience of participating in interinstitutional national and European projects.
Since 2017, she has been leading the field of analytics and development at The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. The key responsibilities of the field are annual and strategic planning, development of service payment models and business analytics. During that time, an ambitious medium-term strategic plan of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia until 2025 was prepared, assuming introduction of new models of payment for healthcare services, execution of a national cost analysis of acute hospital treatment services paid according to the SPP model for the first time in Slovenia and upgrade of data warehouse which represents a rich analytics for national needs.
Aleš Rozman is a specialist with many years of experience in the field of pneumology. He has worked at the Golnik University Clinic for Lung Diseases and Allergy for two decades. Having been the director since 2018, he assumed the position of acting director this year. Prior to his directorship, he obtained a doctorate in biomedicine and was the head of the departments of respiratory endoscopy and interventional pulmonology. As an interventional pulmonologist, he established himself in the field of bronchoscopy with his expertise and new work methods.
He is an assistant professor and lecturer at the Infection Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana and an active member of various associations of the medical profession. He was appointed president of the Health Council in 2020. As a member of the government's advisory group for the field of health, he participated in the creation of measures to contain the virus during the covid-19 epidemic.
Izidor Mlakar je diplomiral in doktoriral na programu Elektrotehnika na Univerzi v Mariboru v Sloveniji. Trenutno je zaposlen kot znanstveni sodelavec na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in računalništvo Univerze v Mariboru in vodi dva raziskovalna porjekta s področja e-Zdravja, H2020 PERSIST in H2020 HosmartAI ter sodeluje pri raziskovalnem projektu s področja kiberntkse varnosti, H2020 PLATINR. Njegovi raziskovalni interesi vključujejo pogovorne agente, analizo in sintezo pogovorne inteligence in obnašanja, koverbalno sinhronizacijo, končni stroji, algoritmi strojnega učenja, globoko učenje, večmodalni dialog, napredni večmodalni vmesniki, internet stvari, pametne zgradbe in pametna mesta.
Hans Winberg holds a PhLic in public management from the Stockholm School of Economics. He has worked in the intersection between academia and practice first at the Executive Education at SSE, and since 2010 in the Leading Health Care Foundation, founded by SSE. He participates as an expert advisor in both Sweden at all levels and in Europe. Hans has EU/DG Santé, Euroean Observatory, EFPIA, OECD among others. LHC is an academic think tank working with applied research around policy, governance, leadership and organization in the healthcare and care sectors. The aim is to gather all relevant actors to explore value creation in combinations.
Professor Gregory Katz holds the Chair of Innovation & Value in Health at Université Paris Cité Medical School. He is the academic director of the Value-Based Health Care Graduate Program. A member of the French Academy of Surgery, he is also president of PromTime, a health data science company specializing in Value-Based Health Care, commissioned by the French Ministry of Health to incentivize practitioners on high-value care. PromTime is the architect & auditor of PROM registries in ophthalmology, orthopedics, and nephrology in partnership with international scientific organizations. In 2020, he published the EU report Implementing Value-Based Health Care in Europe: Handbook for Pioneers.
Ph.D Petra Došenović Bonča is an associate professor and head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. Her research areas are public sector economics and health economics. She is a member of the Health Council of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and also a member of the scientific organization The Operational Research Society. She has published articles in which she analyzes and studies various aspects of the Slovenian healthcare system and reforms and policies in this sector. She also participates in consulting projects in the field of healthcare in Slovenia. At the Faculty of Economics, she actively participated in the development of the master's degree in Management and Economics in Health Care. Since 2017, he has also been the head of this program, and she lectures in the subjects Basics of Health Care Economics, Economic Analysis in Health Care, Health Insurance and Health Care and Health Systems.
Senior doctor Dorijan Marušič, PhD was the expert director of the Izola General Hospital, state secretary at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, advisor to the general director of the Institute for Health Insurance of Slovenia and minister of health of the Republic of Slovenia.
He established himself internationally as a member of the committee of experts on effective ways of investing in health at DG SANCO. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, he obtained his master's degree on the topic "Measuring the outcomes of health care services". He participated in numerous national and international projects regarding the health care system and health insurance, payment methods, quality improvement, national data standardization and health informatics. He is widely published and cited in recognized scientific journals and proceedings. He is currently lecturing at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Primorska.
Barbara Stegel, MSc, has several years of experience in management and marketing. At the beginning of her career, she collaborated with major Slovenian companies, where she worked as the head of marketing departments, consultant and director of corporate communication and human resources. Between 2010 and 2011, she advised to Minister and professional associates at the Slovenian Ministry of Health on the healthcare reform. The following year, she took over the position of Secretary General of the Forum of International Research and Development Pharmaceutical Companies, EIG, where she is still employed. Under her leadership, she coordinates the work and manages the projects of Forum, communicates with the stakeholders of the national health system and with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) on all essential topics in the healthcare system. In 2016, she took over the coordination of the National Medicines Verification Organization – Zavod ZAPAZ, in which she still actively participates.
Aida Kamišalić Latifić, PhD is an assistant professor in the field of informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of University of Maribor and a member of the Blockchain Lab:UM group.
She received her doctorate in 2014 in the field of computer science and informatics. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting researcher at the Rovira and Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain. She has almost twenty years of experience in the field of research, teaching and project work. Her research areas include data technologies, big data, blockchain technology and medical informatics. She is one of the founders of the EduCTX initiative. This platform received the 2019 eAward for the best project in the field of computing and informatics. She is the co-author of several scientific articles published in recognized journals and is the co-owner of an invention in the field of blockchain technology. In January 2020, she was awarded the title of Engineer of the Year.
Jurij Stariha, MSc, joined Novo Nordisk Slovenia in 2016 as MA&PA manager for Slovenian region. In 2018 he had regional responsibility as MAPA manager for Slovenia and Croatia as part of MAPA EUEast tema. In August 2018, he took over position of General Manager of Novo Nordisk. Stariha is also president of the board of Farma Forum (Slovenian EFPIA).
Stariha got his Master's degree at the Faculty of Management Koper and he speaks several foreign languages. He started his professional journey in 2002 in Droga d.d. as a bussines analyst. In 2007 he became deputy director for business at the Hospital for gynecology and obstetrics in Kranj and in 2010 he became deputy director for business of University hospital Golnik.
Stariha is also a guest lecturer as an expert in the field of health economics and has published different articles on the topic of economics in healthcare system and on financing of healthcare in Slovenia. He is a member of Association of economists in healthcare in Slovenia and a member of Association of directors of Slovenian hospitals.
Valentina Prevolnik Rupel is a scientific adviser at the Institute for Economic Research in Ljubljana, where she works in the field of healthcare and long-term care. She also worked as an advisor to the Minister in the Cabinet of the Minister of Health and an advisor to the General Director of ZZZS. As a consultant, she participated in projects of international organizations, especially the World Bank and the World Health Organization, abroad and at home. She is the president of the IER Scientific Council.
She is a member of the international organizations ISPOR and EuroQol and the European Social Policy Network (ESPN). In recent years, she has been involved in many international and national research projects (IMPACT HTA, SCUBY, InnovCare, ADVANCE HTA, MedtecHTA and others). In cooperation with the international organization ICHOM, she participated in setting a minimum set of outcome indicators for personality disorders. She is the author of numerous professional articles in domestic and foreign magazines, chapters in monographs and university textbooks. She also works as a regional editor at the journal Zdravstveno varstvo, a member of the editorial board of the journal PharmacoEconomics, and a reviewer for many other journals.
In 2007, she received her doctorate in the field of healthcare at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana with the assignment Determination of priorities in healthcare.
Managing Director - Santeon Hospital Group, the Netherlands
Pieter de Bey is Managing Director of the Dutch Santeon hospital group, responsible for executing the Santeon strategy via shared programs across the 7 member hospitals. Santeon’s guiding principle is Value Based Health Care, about which Pieter is passionate and has extensive expertise. Prior to Santeon, he worked as a Principal in the NYC and Amsterdam offices of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), where he was a core member of BCG's global Healthcare Practice Area. In 2012-2014 he was VP of Operations at the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM, Boston MA). Pieter received his MBA from Kellogg School of Management (Chicago IL), with majors in Strategy, Marketing, and Analytical Consulting, and obtained his MSc in Theoretical Physics from the University of Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands).
Nicola Bedlington was the first Secretary General of the European Patients Forum (2006-2019) and continues to work as a special advisor with EPF. During her tenure, she helped build the organisation as the leading umbrella voice of patients in Europe, uniting 75 umbrella member organisations, and a key interlocutor with the EU Institutions, WHO and OECD.
She co- led the European Patients Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) (2012-2019), which is now a Foundation providing education and training to patients on the A to Z of medicines. She also co-led PARADIGM, an IMI project dedicated to making patient engagement in the life cycle of medicines easier for all (2017-2020).
Nicola represented EPF as a founding board member of the Patient Focused Medicines Initiative and is/ has been advisor to several global organisations (ISPOR, DIA, ICHOM, WEF Health Future Group, HTAi) supporting their strategies on patient engagement.
She is the co- chair and policy advisor to the Global Centred on Patient Centred Value Based Health Care.
Prior to her work with EPF, she led the European Disability Forum and served as an external expert for the European Commission.
Nicola co-founded a consultancy – Millwater Partners in 2020, specialising in health, engagement and sustainability.